
Last modified by John Stroy on 2013/02/23 07:21


gzoom p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7 [Copy and scale image] p1,p2 : Destination size (X, Y) in pixels p3=0~31(0): Source Window ID p4,p5 : Coordinates (X, Y) of the top left corner of the source image to copy p6,p7 : Source size (X, Y) in pixels


gzoom copies the portion of the image from the window specified by p3, bounded by the rectangle specified by (p4, p5) to (p4+p6, p5+p7), and scales it to draw on the current drawing position.  gzoom scales the pixels according to the parameters given by p1 and p2.  The window ID specified by p3 must either be the current active window ID or a window ID initialized by the screen command or the buffer command.

It should be noted that when using gzoom command to copy images between palette (or indexed) mode windows, mismatching palettes or missing colors between the source and destination will result in unexpected results.


Available since ver2.55 of HSP

See Also
