Wiki source code of Developer Resources

Last modified by John Stroy on 2012/06/24 09:48

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John Stroy 1.1 1 This project uses source code hosting at [[BitBucket>>]].
3 I use [[NetBeans>>]] to build the project, though you are welcome to use Eclipse.
John Stroy 1.2 5 This project also hosts a [[fork>>]] of HSPlet. Feel free to browse the source code.
John Stroy 1.1 6
John Stroy 3.1 7 The original OpenHSP project has a [[Subversion server>>]] which contains lots of useful information, especially the HSP3 AX byte-code format [[specification>>]].
John Stroy 1.1 8
John Stroy 5.1 9 Similarly, the JVM Specification ([[5.0>>]] and [[7.0>>]]) is also extremely useful for this project's use of [[OW2 ASM>>]].
John Stroy 4.1 10
11 If you're interfacing to HSP (e.g. implementing the API and extensions), you may wish to examine the [[ReferenceDocuments>>]] space, which contains the original text as well as translations for API reference documents.